Monday, June 04, 2012

the wholefood mama

Big thanks to Fiona McKerrell for the design of my luscious new logo. What's not to love about the pomegranate? I spent some time with Fiona today watching as she so efficiently made design tweaks to this blogging space for your (and my) viewing pleasure. I discovered Fiona's work when I wrote a story about The Kitchen, a  cafe in Elsternwick serving up wholesome homemade fare, and fell in love with the design that graces their shop window, business cards and website. Following that trail led me to Fiona.

This here blog like the rest of life is a work in progress so while the style and tone of content will continue in the same way, the design will er, actually have some style! On showing my mother-in-law my blog for the first time tonight her first remark was "That's not a good photo of you. AT ALL." I can always count on dear MIL to be direct. So updating that snapshot of me just moved up the list of importance. Ahem.

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment while you're here, I do love reading what you have to say.


  1. I LOVE the new logo, totally stunning and yes lush. i am so tempted to embroider that pomegranate. that photo is the only photo that i know you by and you look gorgeous, so can't even fathom a 'good' photo of you. xx

  2. Thanks Jay. I'm smiling. Oooh embroidered pomegranate I'd love to see that. I am so impressed with your talent for embroidery, for readers who haven't seen Jay's embroidery go on over and take a look. If you're like me you never knew embroidery could be so cool. xx


Thanks for your comments. I read every one!

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